Paresh was bleeding profusely, the
bullet was hit on the side of his left thigh, but he managed to hid himself in
the mud. The squad was searching for him in the deep mangrove forest of Bhitarkanika.
All he wanted is to live so that the
discovery he made be of the use of humanity , rather than die out with him. He has been falsely leveled as Anti-national , by
his adversaries, who knew how important his discovery is.
The bleeding wound was unbearably
painful, he was losing his sense, he started hallucinating. He saw something approaching
him it was like of a big fish or something, or was it a crocodile instead; next
moment he lost his sense. When he opened his eyes, he saw himself in a dimly
lit hut which was filled with smell of dried fish and someone was sleeping near
his feet.
He could hardly speak and moaned
with pain. This made Machli awake, who was sleeping near his feet.
“Are you awake?!, The Magar would have taken you, if I were
not there. I am Machli, I found you drenched in mud. When I saw the Magar approaching you from a distance, in the morning. Thanks God! Jeja (Grandfather)
dragged you to safety.
saved, but if the bullet is not removed, he will develop septicemia. With
broken voice he asked the girl for a knife and asked her to heat it on the cooking
pyre. The girl did as instructed. By then, her grandfather arrived and he asked
him, if he have some alcohol. The oldman though confused handed a bottle of refined country liquor. Paresh sterilized the heated knife in the alcohol and instructed the
old man to hold his left leg tight as he removes the bullet that was stuck in his thigh. In
one go, he could take out the bullet, thanks to his expertise as a surgeon.
But his leg was numb and the
bullet has permanently made a nerve damage. And It had became a dead weight for him. He lost his sense again.
“Hello, sleepy head” Said Machli, as she found Paresh trying to wake up and added
‘It has been five days, you were asleep. Now your wound is slowly healing up’
Paresh for the first time could see the face of Machli clearly. His savior was in front of her, a dark complexioned girl in her late teens. Long unbraided hairs occasionally falling on her face, which she slid with her fingers above her ears. Paresh couldn’t take his eyes off from Machli.
“why are you staring at me?” Machli asked with a smile
“Thanks, for saving my life, Machli”
“What thanks, its my duty as a human”
“Hope, everyone think like you, then this world would be a better place to live in”, said Paresh as he wanted to move a bit from his bed. His thigh pained but he tried to overcome the pain and stood up. Machli rushed to help and held him to balance. He managed to take a step or two with her help.
Machli reminded Paresh of his wife, Chaya, a woman of impeccable compassion and love. Very few individual have this trait in abundance. He lost Chaya in an accident, rather an attack targeted to kill him but instead she lost her life. He must leave the place or he will endanger the life of Machli and her Grandfather. But how can he? He barely can walk.
In the evening Machil’s Grandfather came and went straight to Paresh and asked.
“Who are you Babu? Hope you are feeling well?, we must inform your family”
“I am all alone in this world Mausa, few wrong people are chasing me to kill, and it is dangerous if you inform any one, as there are individuals in police who are also on the wrong side”
“Wrong side?” asked the old man
“I am a Doctor and also a scientist, I have been experimenting on something you may not understand, and the wrong people know the value of my research and can steal it and use for destruction”
The old man couldn’t understand a single word of Paresh, but understood that Paresh must be protected.
However Machli could comprehend the importance of Paresh. What may happens, she will protect Paresh from all odds. She had then developed a likeness for Paresh.
It had been months, Paresh could manage to walk however with a limp, which he knew going to be permanent. He had started feeling Machli and her Grandfather as his family. They taught him fishing and he taught them understand the complex topic he was working on.
“I don’t understand a thing Babu! let Machli know the world’s secret you have got” Said Machil’s gandfather one evening while sipping the country liquor.
Machli did learn a bit as a devout, as she had developed different feeling for the man who was in his early forties. But Paresh had never thought in the same way but it was one day, when the old man was out for few days to the seas for fishing.
“You have grown so much beards, it looks odd in your fair face”, Said Machli that afternoon while she served food to Paresh.
“Do they?!” Paresh exclaimed
“Can I Cut them?, If you want.”
“Sure, If you can” Paresh replied with a smile.
Machli carefully trimmed the curly beards with the scissors and then applied soap and with her hand she foamed the trimmed hairs.
Paresh could feel the warmth of her breath and her hand, while she softly foamed his cheeks.
“I am good at these stuff, you know” said Machil confidently as he prepared the razor. I do it often for grandfather”.
“Oh! is it, then I have full faith on you”, Paresh laughed saying this.
Machli gave a clean shave, keeping the mustaches intact.
“You are a Handsome Man!, see!”, Said Machli as he showed a mirror to Paresh.
“You are also a beautiful young woman and with a beautiful heart and soul!”, Said Paresh looking in the eyes of Machli
“I am no where near you, I black like coal!, I stink like a fish” said Machli as she blushed.
“You are Matsyagandha!”
“A woman whom kings adored and eventually became queen of an empire”, Said Paresh with pride.
“If I may, i’ll be your Dasi and be happy for ever” Machli got emotional and fell at the feet of Paresh.
Paresh raised Machli, embraced her to his heart, ” Your place is not at my feet but in my heart!”
Tears profusely started flowing form Machli eyes. Never in her live the orphaned girl felt so much love.
Paresh, wiped off her tears and kissed her forehead. He wanted to resist himself, but the next kiss he gave to Machli, was on her moist lips. The lightening of the passion has struck. Both of them wanted to burn in it till they turn into ashes in passion.
The age gap between them, their contrasting skin colors, their knowledge gap or any other difference they had, became insignificant. They were voyaging in the sea of emotional and physical love.
Next morning when Machli woke up, it was altogether a different feeling. She no longer felt like a girl. Every part of her body was excited for experiencing the newfound pleasure. The pleasure that made her mature. She rushed to see her God!, for she has admitted Paresh as so!
He was not there. But a letter kept on the bed below a note book. It was marked to her
” My dear Matsyagandha (Machli),
Oh! my savior, you brought me back to life, Your love and affection has given me strength to carry on my research. I wished to stay rest of my life with you, fishing and growing old along with you. But it will risk your life. I have lost my wife in past, I cannot think loosing you. I will return once every thing is fine.
Yours Paresh”
Machli felt heart broken, but she understood Paresh had a big thing to do and by saving his life, she also contributed. She was hopeful as he promised that he will return.
Wait for the next Part:
Part 2 – Paresh – The Lame Doctor