Dieting isn’t supposed to feel like a full-time job—ditch the stress and start making small, practical shifts that actually move the needle.
Brad is a university lecturer with a master’s degree in Kinesiology and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). He has competed as a drug-free bodybuilder, is a cancer survivor, and a 21 year veteran of the Air National Guard. Brad has been a Primer contributor since 2011.
Diet could be considered one of those infamous four-letter words. It conjures stress, frustration, and a hefty dose of self-imposed cumbersome responsibilities. It can be daunting, to say the least. With the never-ending supply of content out there it’s not surprising that so many people quit out of pure overwhelm.
As the title implies, dieting doesn’t have to be so complicated and paralyzing. There are small, common-sense practices you can put into action right now that will have profound effects on your health and well-being.
Remember how it’s possible to eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Let’s take that analogy and apply it to our dieting lives. Let’s look at seven tweaks you can put into practice right now to help you make dieting easier and finally start moving the needle on your progress.
1. Adopt a plentiful mindset

Humans are hard-wired to possess a scarcity perspective. We are instinctually programmed to believe that food is in short supply and we must scavenge as much as we can because we may not be able to eat tomorrow. This stems from an evolutionary past when we were hunters and gatherers just trying to survive. It’s only been in the last century or so that our food supply is not only plentiful but also always available.
With a scarcity mindset, we are naturally going to overeat to satisfy this survival instinct. But the wonderful thing about being human is the fact that we can reason with ourselves. Instead of scarcity, adopt a plentiful mindset. Keep the thought of the fact that food is everywhere all the time at the forefront of your mind. This will quiet down the sometimes ravenous desire to overeat and give you a healthier, more practical perspective on how you view food and its role in your life.
2. Think in the macronutrient language
Most people have little knowledge of exactly what they’re eating. They see things as black and white–either it’s good or bad for you without taking into account nutrition quality, macronutrient make up, or really what a calorie actually is. Oftentimes the word calorie alone is associated with weight gain. Protein is good, carbs are bad, and fat is, uh well, depends on the day of the week. It’s about time we get our thoughts on macronutrients in the correct order.
The main macronutrients needed to become fluent are protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Proteins for muscle building and tissue repair, carbs for energy and power regeneration, and fats for hormone regulation and overall health. Once you become familiar with your own macro needs, you’ll better understand and make wiser decisions when it comes to food preparation and ordering at your favorite restaurant. Start with foods high in lean protein, then focus on complex carb sources and fiber, and then top it off with healthy fat choices. Once you get into the habit of choosing lean, healthy options, you’ll develop an instinct for what you really need and stop the black-and-white thinking.
Lean Proteins
These help with muscle growth and recovery while keeping excess fat in check. Stick to options like chicken breast, turkey, fish, egg whites, tofu, and Greek yogurt for a high-protein boost without the unnecessary extras.
Complex Carbs & Fiber
These provide steady energy and keep digestion on track. Unlike simple carbs (white bread, pastries, sugary snacks) that spike your blood sugar and lead to crashes, complex carbs digest slowly, keeping you full and fueled. Good sources include quinoa, brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats, lentils, and fiber-rich vegetables.
Healthy Fats
Essential for hormone regulation and overall health. The right fats—like those from avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish—support brain function and energy levels. Avoid overly processed fats found in fried foods and junk snacks, and instead opt for nutrient-dense sources, even a little dark chocolate.
3. Make one almost unnoticeable change per week

It goes without fail that so many new dieters want to start with a big, grand gesture of change. They adopt a plan that will overhaul their entire diet, proceed to announce it on social media, and then begin to imagine all of the rewards that will come their way. Their beach body is almost guaranteed.
Fast forward a week or two and you will most likely find them back to their old eating habits, telling tales of how the diet was too difficult to follow and all they need is another plan to start over once again.
4. Always be prepared
There’s an old saying: There’s no such thing as a rainy day, just a day you forgot your umbrella. Being prepared for a new diet is no different. Terrible eating habits don’t derive from thin air. They are due to a lack of planning on several levels.
One, you fail to plan meals for the day and week. What you’re having for breakfast or lunch just becomes a guessing game or eat-what’s-available type mentality. Two, wherever you go (work, travel, etc.) you fail to take prepped meals so you gravitate toward eating out. Eating out then turns into another crapshoot. Your stomach guides your choices and we all know where that usually leads you.
At this point, you may be thinking that you’ll be required to plan everything down to the calorie–measuring and weighing foods, counting calories, and documenting your every move in order to have even the slightest taste of success.
But here I want to be very clear. Have a plan. Any plan. Write out what your basic meals will be for most of the week and bring food with you if necessary. Have some sort of structure no matter how strict or loose it ends up.

The important thing is to establish a starting line and then go from there. You may not feel like it’s the perfect plan, but you have to start.
5. Treat cheat meals with care
Look around the internet and you’ll find “epic cheat meals” in abundance. It’s as if the cheat meal is now its own genre of sorts (I’m looking at you Rock!). Mile-high pancakes, sugary desserts, and an overabundance of calories all gain clicks and likes but could also be helping you gain unwanted body fat if you decide to follow suit. Cheat meals have gone from a solitary meal of an average indulgence to a competition rivaling a Fourth of July eating contest.
It’s time to put the reigns on the coveted cheat meal. Yes, have a cheat meal. Notice two things in that last sentence. One, have “a” cheat meal. Not two, three, or several. Two, I also said meal, not meals, days, or cheat week. Focus on just one cheat meal.
Eat it slowly, enjoy it, savor it, and make it count. Let it sit with you for a while. More times than not, you’ll be satisfied and motivated to get back on the wagon with your diet.
6. Have a diet buddy
Having an accountability partner is nearly commonplace when it comes to training. Whether you’ve hired a personal trainer or simply have someone who shows up when you train, this partnership can be very powerful. You can even view the regular gym-goers that you see every day as accountability partners in that they will expect you to show up each planned training day whether you train with them or not.
But what about a diet accountability partner? Oftentimes, we feel like our eating plan is something personal and we are more than capable of going it alone. But couldn’t possibly be further from the truth. Most of our day is spent independently eating our meals and trying our best to stick to our plan. It’s different from showing up to the gym and meeting up with our gym buddies. Adopt a dieting accountability partner. Check-in with each other daily or weekly. It’s not some strict routine to adhere to, it’s just two people supporting each other for a common goal.
7. Review your goals each week
Finally, one of the most important but often overlooked practices is to instill accountability with yourself. We’ve all heard the advice of our high school teachers: be sure to review your notes from class often. This keeps the information at the forefront of your mind allowing it to be more easily recalled. The same can be applied to your dieting efforts.
Take some time out of each week to review your diet plan, look over any notes you’ve jotted down, and make any observations of victories and/or challenges.

This simple practice keeps you aware of your efforts, plugged into your progress, and cognizant of any hurdles or speedbumps that may need addressing. It will keep you in tune with your plan enabling you to learn what’s working and what’s not.
In closing
Dieting doesn’t have to be stressful or endlessly frustrating. Use these common-sense practices to your advantage and start eating that elephant one bite at a time. Over time you’ll see those small, incremental steps culminate into significant and substantial changes. Happy dieting!